CHI's 15th Annual

Advancing Novel Frameworks for Companion Diagnostics

Collaborating on the Future of Drug-Diagnostic Co-Development

August 19 - 20, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

Companion diagnostics continue to play a role in the development of precision medicines. In the coming years, regulatory changes will have broad and significant impact on the diagnostics industry. Join Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 15th Annual conference on Advancing Novel Frameworks for Companion Diagnostics, where speakers and attendees will confer on the latest regulatory updates, drug-diagnostic co-development and partnership strategies, avenues for commercial success, and more. The conference is an opportunity to connect with peers in industry, regulators, and labs who are working on the next generation of tools for precision medicine. Presentations and panel discussions will offer a unique platform to help navigate the proposed rule on LDTs, the CDx pilot program, the future of CDx in precision medicine, and workstream developments in a global regulatory setting.

Monday, August 19

Registration Open and Morning Coffee7:15 am

Organizer's Welcome Remarks8:20 am

Iris Goldman, Conference Producer, Cambridge Innovation Institute


8:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Dun Liang, PhD HCLD(ABB), Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Diagnostics, Eli Lilly and Company

8:30 am

Practical Considerations for Companion Diagnostics (CDx) and Clinical Trial Assay (CTA) Regulation in Precision Oncology

Dun Liang, PhD HCLD(ABB), Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Diagnostics, Eli Lilly and Company

This informative presentation will start with an oncology-centric discussion of current US companion diagnostic (CDx) regulation with focus on FDA Pilot Program for Oncology Drug Products Used with Certain In Vitro Diagnostic Tests (“the pilot”). And it will generalize to relevant FDA CDx/Dx regulatory policies such as LDT rule and down-classification. Attendees will benefit from discussion of the Pilot including potential challenges related to implementation, comparison to current CDx regulation and explore the implications of a changing US regulatory landscape related to CDx and drug development.

9:00 am

FDA's Intent to Reclassify IVDs: What It Means and What Labs Need to Know

Christine P. Bump, JD, MPH, Principal, Penn Avenue Law & Policy

FDA’s classification system determines the required regulatory pathway for devices and the scope of applicable regulations and requirements. Manufacturers may seek Class II designation but be stuck with Class III because of precedent regarding intended use and technology. FDA intends to reclassify many types of IVDs from Class III to Class II. This session will explain which tests may be affected and what reclassification means for laboratories and diagnostic companies.


The Role and Regulation of Companion Diagnostics (CDx) in Precision Medicine


Sarah K. Martin, MS, PhD, Senior Director, Global Regulatory Policy, Eli Lilly and Company

The session will conclude with an expert, multi-stakeholder panel discussion that will feature patient advocate, industry, clinical laboratory, and IVD developer perspectives. The panelists will explore the current challenges, evolving regulatory landscape, and practical considerations for CDx regulation.


Shannon A. Bennett, MS, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Mayo Clinic & Foundation

Tod Guidry, PhD, Associate Director, Regulatory and Diagnostics Policy, LUNGevity Foundation

Michelle Neff, JD, Associate Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs, Diagnostics, Eli Lilly

Lakshman Ramamurthy, PhD, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, GRAIL

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:00 am


10:45 am

Impact of FDA Changes to the Regulation of LDTs and IVDs on Companion Diagnostics and Drug Trials

Kate A. Simon, PhD, Senior Director, Global Regulatory Strategy IVD, Bayer

FDA published a proposed rule in October 2023 to more clearly assert their authority to regulate Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs). FDA also recently announced their intention to down-classify most in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests that are currently Class III. This talk will provide a summary of the key aspects of these FDA proposals and will also cover the potential impact(s) to companion diagnostics and drug clinical trials.

11:15 am

FDA Regulation of LDTs—The Laboratory Perspective

Shannon A. Bennett, MS, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Mayo Clinic & Foundation

Laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) have been subject to FDA enforcement discretion for decades, but in the last ten years, the Agency has expressed a desire for greater oversight. Guidance documents and attempts at legislation have failed, so in the Spring of 2024, FDA released regulations placing LDTs into the medical device regulatory framework. This change has the potential to dramatically change the diagnostic testing landscape, particularly for clinical laboratories that develop LDTs.

11:45 am

The Essentials of Companion and Complementary Diagnostic Reimbursement - It Is Not Automatic!

Eric Lam, Vice President, Market Access and Reimbursement, Avania LLC

As precision medicine continues to evolve, companion and complementary diagnostics are increasingly used to guide treatment decisions. However, despite their importance, there is often a disconnect between regulatory approval and payer reimbursement. This talk provides an overview of the essential components of a reimbursement strategy (coding, coverage, and payment) that manufacturers need to consider in order to ensure optimal market access and prevent barriers to patient access.

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own12:15 pm


1:30 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Jai Pandey, PhD, Head, Global Device Regulatory IVD/CDx and Digital Health, Sanofi

1:35 pm

Regulatory Considerations for Companion Diagnostic Devices beyond Oncology

Jai Pandey, PhD, Head, Global Device Regulatory IVD/CDx and Digital Health, Sanofi

Companion diagnostic devices play a crucial role in personalized medicine by helping healthcare professionals identify the most appropriate treatment for a patient based on their genetic, molecular, or other specific characteristics. Due to the unique nature of these devices, there are several regulatory considerations that must be taken into account to ensure their safety and effectiveness. These considerations include regulatory authorities, classification, clinical and analytical validation, and labeling.

1:55 pm

Expanding Companion Diagnostics beyond Oncology: A Regulatory Perspective

Vihanga Pahalawatta, PhD, Director, Regulatory Affairs Device and Combination Products, AbbVie, Inc.

The majority of approved companion diagnostics (CDx) support precision medicine endeavors in oncology fueled by research and the growing knowledge base on genetic pathways related to cancers. There are several additional disease areas in which CDx has the potential to improve the likelihood of success for therapeutic products in development, including immunology, neurological diseases, and rare/orphan diseases. Despite the potential for expanded use of CDx, regulatory hurdles pose a key challenge. The current regulatory paradigm for CDx may need to evolve for further expansion of the utility of CDx in disease areas other than oncology.

2:15 pm

Companion Diagnostics and the Development of Biological Products for General Medicine Indications

Gavin H. Imperato, MD, PhD, Branch Chief, Division of Clinical Evaluation General Medicine, Office of Clinical Evaluation, Office of Therapeutic Products, FDA CBER

The mission of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is to ensure the safety, purity, potency, and effectiveness of biological products.  The newly formed Division of Clinical Evaluation General Medicine oversees development programs for a diverse array of serious and life-threatening diseases.  Companion diagnostics are essential to many of these development programs, and their regulation is nuanced and complex.  Recognizing the challenges to developing novel therapeutic products, including gene, cell, and regenerative medicine therapies, CBER is committed to innovation and flexibility while maintaining standards for product safety and effectiveness.


Considerations for Developing Companion Diagnostics (CDx) beyond Oncology


Jai Pandey, PhD, Head, Global Device Regulatory IVD/CDx and Digital Health, Sanofi

Precision medicine has revolutionized healthcare by tailoring diagnostics and treatments to each patient’s unique health status. As we extend companion diagnostics (CDx) beyond oncology to other therapeutic areas, several critical challenges emerge including biomarker identification, adaptation of clinical trial designs to support CDx claims, and the navigation of diverse regulatory pathways.  Understanding these factors is essential for the broader application of CDx in personalized medicine. This panel discussion will delve into these challenges and opportunities, fostering informed dialogue among experts.


Gavin H. Imperato, MD, PhD, Branch Chief, Division of Clinical Evaluation General Medicine, Office of Clinical Evaluation, Office of Therapeutic Products, FDA CBER

Vihanga Pahalawatta, PhD, Director, Regulatory Affairs Device and Combination Products, AbbVie, Inc.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:05 pm


3:45 pm

Drug and Diagnostic Co-Development and Regulatory Pathways

B. Melina Cimler, PhD, CEO & Founder, PandiaDx LLC

Drug and diagnostic co-development has accelerated the availability of novel therapeutics. This session will focus on key regulatory changes and potential impact on bringing companion diagnostics to market. Lessons learned from partnerships between pharma and diagnostic stakeholders and future trends will be shared.

4:15 pm

A Framework for Simultaneously Validating Multiple Companion Diagnostic Assays in a Global Clinical Trial

Songbai Wang, MD, MSPH, Head, Precision Informatics, Oncology Precision Medicine and Diagnostics, Johnson & Johnson

We have developed a novel framework based on advanced analytic methods to simultaneously validate all candidate companion diagnostic tests without increasing the size of clinical trials and samples. We conclude this novel strategy is preferred over the existing methods (such as noninferiority external concordance, attenuation factor, and missing data imputation) from the perspective of data totality and benefit-risk principle.

Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing5:15 pm

Close of Day6:30 pm

Tuesday, August 20

Registration Open7:15 am

Interactive Discussions with Continental Breakfast7:30 am

Interactive discussions provide an opportunity to discuss a focused topic with peers from around the world in an open, collegial setting. Select from the list of topics available and join the moderated discussion to share ideas, gain insights, establish collaborations or commiserate about persistent challenges. Please visit the interactive discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.


The Impact of FDA’s Final LDT Rule on Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials (IN-PERSON ONLY BREAKOUT)

Michelle Neff, JD, Associate Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs, Diagnostics, Eli Lilly

  • How do the FDA's expectations for LDT compliance with IDE requirements impact pharmaceutical clinical trials?
  • What should the expectations be of both labs and sponsors in the case of routine testing used for clinical trials?
  • What additional clarity are you looking for when it comes to the Final Rule, what would you like to see the Agency do?​


8:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Albine K. Martin, PhD, Executive-in-Residence, BioHealth Innovation; Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Johns Hopkins University

8:30 am

Navigating Companion Diagnostic Co-Development in an Evolving Global Regulatory Environment

Grace Lee, Associate Vice President, Regulatory Affairs for Pathology and CDx, Agilent Technologies, Inc.

The global regulatory landscape for companion diagnostics has evolved. Co-development planning should consider ex-US regulatory strategy early to mitigate costly barriers to entry or delays in global testing. This presentation will include a brief overview of current regulatory landscape for companion diagnostics as well as potential strategies for addressing upcoming regulatory challenges in co-development.

9:00 am

Advancing Novel Frameworks for Companion Diagnostics in Europe

Rolf Thermann, PhD, Section Manager, IVD and Companion Diagnostics Lead, TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH

With the implementation of the new EU regulation on in vitro diagnostics (IVDR) in May 2022, notified bodies will be required to perform a conformity assessment for companion diagnostics (CDx). As part of the conformity assessment of a CDx, the notified body consults the European Medicines Agency on a scientific opinion on the suitability of the CDx with the concerned medicinal product(s), which will be discussed.


Putting the Pieces Together: Bringing Companion Diagnostics through Development to Market


Albine K. Martin, PhD, Executive-in-Residence, BioHealth Innovation; Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Johns Hopkins University

This panel discussion will bring together key perspectives on companion diagnostic development and success in the market. The discussion will look at how technology selection, regulatory factors, development strategy, and clinical outcomes all impact CDx advancement in established and emerging indications.


Daniel Edelman, PhD, Program Officer, Health Scientist Administrator, Early Detection Research Group, Division of Cancer Prevention, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Grace Lee, Associate Vice President, Regulatory Affairs for Pathology and CDx, Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Richard Watts, Vice President, Business Development, Companion Diagnostics, QIAGEN

10:00 am Clinical Trials with CDx—Navigating the Complexity of the IVDR

Karin Hughes, Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory & Quality, Beaufort CRO

The implementation of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR) has heightened the complexity of clinical trials using companion diagnostics (CDx). With Eudamed lacking a functional Clinical Investigations and Performance Studies module, sponsors must navigate individual national procedures, submitting applications, modification notifications, and final reports to each Member State where CDx studies are conducted. This presentation addresses these challenges and offers insights into solutions derived from supporting pharmaceutical and diagnostic manufacturers engaged in combined studies across the EU.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:30 am



FDA Perspectives: Trends and Challenges

Courtney H. Lias, PhD, Director, OHT7: Office of in vitro Diagnostic Devices, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Laboratory-Developed Tests: Proposed Rule, Reclassification Activities, Potential Impact, and Path Forward


B. Melina Cimler, PhD, CEO & Founder, PandiaDx LLC

Laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) are an important part of healthcare. The FDA released a final rule on May 6, 2024, to amend the FDA’s regulations to make explicit that IVDs are devices under the Federal FD&C Act, including when the manufacturer of the IVD is a laboratory. FDA issued a policy under which the FDA intends to provide greater oversight of LDTs, through a phaseout of its general enforcement discretion approach.  

This panel brings together stakeholders to: 

  • Discuss elements of the proposed rule, including classification of IVDs 
  • Impact on various stakeholders and expected activities  
  • CMS vs. FDA roles as to oversight of laboratory tests  
  • Regulation of LDTs under the IVDR?

Stefan Burde, PhD, Director, Global Strategic Business Development, TÜV SÜD America, Inc.

Girish Putcha, MD, PhD, Principal & Founder, Precision Medicine & Diagnostics

Lakshman Ramamurthy, PhD, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, GRAIL

Anna Scrimenti, Associate Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Association for Molecular Pathology

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own1:10 pm

Close of Advancing Novel Frameworks for Companion Diagnostics Conference2:10 pm