SPECIAL FORUM: Regulatory Strategies for Point-of-Care Diagnostics

August 20, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

The Regulatory Strategies for Point-of-Care Diagnostics Special Forum will allow you to learn from industry experts who will share their insights and experience with success stories as well as guidance for obtaining FDA clearance for POC diagnostics. Join us for the first of its kind forum designed for learning about essential components and nuances that are pivotal for regulatory approval. For companies developing POC diagnostics, this is an unprecedented chance to gain insights and avoid costly pitfalls later in development. We hope to see you this August for a highly productive and interactive forum.

Alberto Gutierrez, PhD, Partner, NDA Partners LLC
Gail Radcliffe, PhD, President, Radcliffe Consulting, Inc.

Tuesday, August 20

Organizer's Welcome Remarks8:20 am

Erin Kadelski, Associate Project Manager, Production, Cambridge Healthtech Institute

8:25 am

Co-Chairperson's Remarks 

Alberto Gutierrez, PhD, Partner, NDA Partners LLC

Gail Radcliffe, PhD, President, Radcliffe Consulting, Inc.


Brief Review of Key Topics for Successful POC Submissions

Timothy Stenzel, MD, PhD, Former Director, Office of in vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, FDA

Brief Review of Key Topics for Successful POC Submissions.


Regulatory Strategies for Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Learning from Success Stories and Avoiding Pitfalls


Gail Radcliffe, PhD, President, Radcliffe Consulting, Inc.

  • How many samples do I need for a multiplex respiratory panel clinical study?
  • Multiplexing for non-respiratory tests—what is needed for clinical studies and analytical studies?
  • Understanding differences between OTC and POC products for labeling and flex studies
  • CLIA vs. Non-CLIA waived pathways—what is needed for waiver clinical studies?
  • How do you control clinical studies in an uncontrolled environment? 
  • Addressing user training issues
  • Increased reliance on unconditional labeling such as pictograms, and video accessed via QR codes and hyperlinks. Are these methods accepted by FDA? Pros and cons of these tools
  • Precision and reproducibility study designs with untrained users for POC tests using inactivated viruses
  • Flex studies—not used for 510K but used for CLIA waiver. How does one determine what is needed? e.g., timing, volume, temperature, pressure, etc.
  • Mechanics of running a CLIA waiver trial, using comparators that are in the central lab which requires sample stability during transport—example glucose testing
  • The importance of clinical matrix in analytical studies
  • Key studies for OTC diagnostic claims​

Teresa Abraham, PhD, Vice President, Scientific and Technical Affairs, Sapphiros

Alberto Gutierrez, PhD, Partner, NDA Partners LLC

Michaela R. Hoffmeyer, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Data Management, TE Medical Innovations

Courtney H. Lias, PhD, Director, OHT7: Office of in vitro Diagnostic Devices, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Chermaen Lindberg, President, CovarsaDx Corporation

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:30 am



FDA Perspectives: Trends and Challenges

Courtney H. Lias, PhD, Director, OHT7: Office of in vitro Diagnostic Devices, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Laboratory-Developed Tests: Proposed Rule, Reclassification Activities, Potential Impact, and Path Forward


B. Melina Cimler, PhD, CEO & Founder, PandiaDx LLC

Laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) are an important part of healthcare. The FDA released a final rule on May 6, 2024, to amend the FDA’s regulations to make explicit that IVDs are devices under the Federal FD&C Act, including when the manufacturer of the IVD is a laboratory. FDA issued a policy under which the FDA intends to provide greater oversight of LDTs, through a phaseout of its general enforcement discretion approach.  

This panel brings together stakeholders to: 

  • Discuss elements of the proposed rule, including classification of IVDs 
  • Impact on various stakeholders and expected activities  
  • CMS vs. FDA roles as to oversight of laboratory tests  
  • Regulation of LDTs under the IVDR?

Stefan Burde, PhD, Director, Global Strategic Business Development, TÜV SÜD America, Inc.

Girish Putcha, MD, PhD, Principal & Founder, Precision Medicine & Diagnostics

Lakshman Ramamurthy, PhD, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, GRAIL

Anna Scrimenti, Associate Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Association for Molecular Pathology

Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own1:10 pm

Close of Regulatory Strategies for Point-of-Care Dx Conference2:10 pm