CHI's 12th Annual

Emerging Trends in Coverage and Reimbursement for Advanced Diagnostics

Assessing and Anticipating the Future of Diagnostic Reimbursement

August 20 - 21, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

Coverage and reimbursement for advanced and novel diagnostics are rapidly changing, and a deep understanding of the current and future landscape of coverage decisions can provide a distinct advantage. Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 12th Annual conference on Emerging Trends in Coverage and Reimbursement for Advanced Diagnostics will bring payers, industry players, and policymakers together to discuss what coverage and reimbursement of novel diagnostics will look like going forward. Hear from industry experts and payers directly on topics including MolDx, pharmacogenomics, new legislation, broad commercialization challenges, prior-authorization considerations, clinical lab fee schedules, and more. Presentations and panel discussions will provide a comprehensive outlook on some of the challenges and opportunities in diagnostic reimbursement today.

Tuesday, August 20

Registration Open10:30 am



FDA Perspectives: Trends and Challenges

Courtney H. Lias, PhD, Director, OHT7: Office of in vitro Diagnostic Devices, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Laboratory-Developed Tests: Proposed Rule, Reclassification Activities, Potential Impact, and Path Forward


B. Melina Cimler, PhD, CEO & Founder, PandiaDx LLC

Laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) are an important part of healthcare. The FDA released a final rule on May 6, 2024, to amend the FDA’s regulations to make explicit that IVDs are devices under the Federal FD&C Act, including when the manufacturer of the IVD is a laboratory. FDA issued a policy under which the FDA intends to provide greater oversight of LDTs, through a phaseout of its general enforcement discretion approach.  

This panel brings together stakeholders to: 

  • Discuss elements of the proposed rule, including classification of IVDs 
  • Impact on various stakeholders and expected activities  
  • CMS vs. FDA roles as to oversight of laboratory tests  
  • Regulation of LDTs under the IVDR?

Stefan Burde, PhD, Director, Global Strategic Business Development, TÜV SÜD America, Inc.

Girish Putcha, MD, PhD, Principal & Founder, Precision Medicine & Diagnostics

Lakshman Ramamurthy, PhD, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, GRAIL

Anna Scrimenti, Associate Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Association for Molecular Pathology

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own1:10 pm

Organizer's Welcome Remarks2:25 pm

Iris Goldman, Conference Producer, Cambridge Innovation Institute


2:30 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Sarah Thibault-Sennett, PhD, Senior Director, Reimbursement Policy, American Clinical Lab Association


Labs and Utilization Management Procedures: Why Don’t Positive Coverage Policies Result in Real-World Reimbursement?

Sarah Thibault-Sennett, PhD, Senior Director, Reimbursement Policy, American Clinical Lab Association

The US payer landscape is incredibly diverse with public and private payers in addition to laboratory benefit managers who use constantly evolving prior authorization and other utilization management procedures. This session will explore the challenges for labs to successfully navigate these various utilization management procedures and highlight current advocacy activities to respond to these issues.

3:05 pm

Case Study in Addressing Root Cause Access Issues for Exome and Genome Sequencing in Pediatric Rare Disease

Stacey Brown, Market Access Lead, Optum Genomics

This session will review at least one case study, involving implementation across several healthcare ecosystem stakeholders (payer, provider, industry), aimed at addressing various issues associated with the commercial clinical adoption of exome and genome sequencing in pediatric rare disease.

3:35 pm

Zombie Apocalypse or Payer Coverage—Which Is More Difficult to Prepare For?

Lon Castle, MD, Associate CMO, Precision Medicine, EviCore

Many of us worry about how to prepare for the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse.  At least we can glean information from The Walking Dead and Zombieland to better prepare us for that day.  But what guidance do we have to prepare us for discussions with payers about test coverage? No movies, TV shows or books are available to help us with that.  But that's all about to change. This presentation was designed to explain how payers think about test coverage and what they want from you. Trust me, giving them your "evidence" is much easier than parting with your brain.   

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing4:05 pm


4:45 pm

Impact of CMS Rate-Setting on Access for Novel Tests

Nicholas Halzack, MPH, Director, Health Policy, Roche Diagnostics

The process by which CMS establishes reimbursement rates for new codes appearing on the Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule can be opaque and unpredictable, resulting in significant uncertainty for novel technologies entering the market. This presentation will discuss the crosswalk and gap-fill processes, their impact on private payers and PAMA implementation, and potential policy solutions to improve them.


Pricing and Valuation of Novel Diagnostic Tests


Jim Almas, MD, Vice President and National Medical Director, Clinical Effectiveness, LabCorp

In the US, novel diagnostics must first become anchor-priced by Medicare. The process involves Medicare accepting or rejecting a "crosswalk" amount or pushing the novel assay into the gap-fill process. This panel will discuss this process and seeks to address improvements in the process. What is the value of a diagnostic? Is there a way to make the process more transparent? Is there a role for value-based pricing?


Gabriel Bien-Willner, MD, PhD, Medical Director, MolDx, Palmetto GBA

Hannah Mamuszka, CEO & Founder, Alva10

Close of Day5:45 pm

Wednesday, August 21

Registration Open7:15 am

Interactive Discussions with Continental Breakfast7:30 am

Interactive discussions provide an opportunity to discuss a focused topic with peers from around the world in an open, collegial setting. Select from the list of topics available and join the moderated discussion to share ideas, gain insights, establish collaborations or commiserate about persistent challenges. Please visit the interactive discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.

TABLE 2: Sponsored Testing: Ensuring Patients Have Compliant Access to a Timely Accurate Diagnosis (IN-PERSON ONLY BREAKOUT)

Nicole Miller, PhD, Vice President, Molecular Diagnostics, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Vanessa Rangel Miller, Senior Director, Molecular Diagnostics, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc.

  • How and why does sponsored testing aid timely diagnosis for patients?
  • What are key elements of a compliant sponsored testing program?
  • What can we learn from sponsored testing programs to aid timely, accurate patient diagnosis?​

TABLE 3: Value Creation to Enhance Market Access Success (IN-PERSON ONLY BREAKOUT)

Lauren Feldman, Vice President and Head, Value, Access, and Pricing, ADVI

  • Value creation tools/processes
  • Considerations for a compelling value proposition
  • Considerations for maximizing value​


8:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Megan Anderson Brooks, PhD, President, Innovation Policy Solutions LLC

8:30 am

What's New at CMS: Rapid Changes for Advanced Diagnostics

Bruce Quinn, MD, PhD, Principal, Bruce Quinn Associates, LLC

2024 is a busy year at CMS. New approaches to coverage are proposed (Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies). New rules are being tested to improve the sometimes nightmarish swamp of getting Medicare Advantage coverage and payments. Stakeholders continue to debate the dysfunctional 14-day rule that delays critical genomic tests for cancer patients. CMS struggles to handle AI testing ("indirect IDTFs" vs. procedure "bundling"). MolDx takes new policy positions, such as how it handles advanced proteomic tests for cancer, and brings out a flurry of new LCDs.  We'll update on all this and more.

9:00 am

Demystifying Molecular Diagnostics Coverage and Reimbursement in Medicare: MolDX

Gabriel Bien-Willner, MD, PhD, Medical Director, MolDx, Palmetto GBA

This talk will review the concepts and processes for molecular diagnostics payor controls. The discussion will include a description of 1) differentiating Medicare and private payors; 2) the difficulties of claims processing in molecular diagnostics; 3) DEX registry; 4) technical assessments; 5) how to approach Medicare for reimbursement; 6) policy-writing procedures for Medicare; 7) how payors consider evidence.

9:30 am

MolDX Presubmission Meeting: An Experiential 'Case-Study'

John Warren, Owner and Principal Consultant, Gettysburg Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Join John Warren as he shares his firsthand experience organizing and managing a recent pre-submission meeting with the MolDX program. Learn what worked for his client and hear what he would do differently the next time around.

Networking Coffee Break10:00 am


10:30 am

Congressional Action on Laboratory Test Pricing, Coverage, and Reimbursement: Trends and Outlook

Megan Anderson Brooks, PhD, President, Innovation Policy Solutions LLC

Despite the election year polarization, Congress is taking action that impacts laboratory test reimbursement —from conducting oversight into Medicare Advantage and Managed Care Organizations to introducing legislation to reform prior authorization, enhance transparency in pricing, and increase coverage for certain innovative tests. This presentation will explore trends in Congress’ approach to resolving barriers to reimbursement, as well as provide insights into what legislation is likely to advance and successful strategies for engaging policymakers to increase support for continued innovation in diagnostics.

11:00 am

Bringing the Promise of Precision Medicine to Patients Everywhere: State Legislative Solutions to Expand Access to Biomarker Testing

Hilary Gee Goeckner, MSW, Director, State and Local Campaigns, Access to Care, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)

Biomarker testing is revolutionizing the treatment of cancer and other conditions but these advances are not benefiting all patients equally. Insurance coverage for biomarker testing is not keeping pace with the science, contributing to disparities in which patients can get the testing they need. ACS CAN and partners have worked to pass legislation in 16 states (and counting) to align coverage of biomarker testing with the latest evidence.

11:30 am

Navigating the Biomarker Testing State Legislative Landscape: Opportunities and Challenges for Clinical Laboratories

Chris Johnson, JD, Director, Government Affairs, Myriad Genetics

In recent years, state legislators have introduced dozens of measures requiring health insurers to cover a diverse array of biomarker tests. This surge in legislative activity reflects policymakers' commitment to enhancing access to biomarker testing. However, it also signifies a significant shift in market dynamics, presenting implementation challenges for affected stakeholders. Join us as we explore the evolving landscape of coverage and patient access within this dynamic field of medicine.

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own12:00 pm


1:10 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Tara Burke, PhD, Vice President, Payment and Healthcare Delivery Policy, AdvaMed

1:15 pm

The Future of Coding for Genomics: AMA CPT Update

Zach Hochstetler, Director, CPT Editorial & Regulatory Services, American Medical Association

CPT codes to describe genomic tests have changed rapidly over the past few years. The CPT Editorial Panel, in response to consistent feedback to enhance the clarity of important areas of genomics, has created several workgroups to address these issues. Learn how over the past year several new coding paradigms have been approved by the CPT Panel to ameliorate issues in coding for genomic tests.

1:45 pm

A Practical Understanding of Proprietary Laboratory Analysis (PLA) Codes and What to Consider When Requesting a PLA Code

Lee H. Hilborne, MD, Professor, Pathology & Lab Medicine, University of California Los Angeles; Senior Medical Director, Quest Diagnostics

Proprietary Laboratory Analysis (PLA) codes, within the CPT codeset, began in 2018. These codes were driven by the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) legislation requiring a coding solution to report clinical laboratory diagnostic tests with increased specificity, particularly for Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Tests (ADLTs), but also for Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests (CDLTs). This program discusses practical considerations when considering and requesting a PLA code for a unique test, the PLA application process, and then the subsequent issues for assuring appropriate reimbursement once a code is recognized.

2:15 pm

Improving Health Outcomes While Reducing Costs: Case Study with Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Tests (ADLTs)

Derek Maetzold, Founder, President, CEO, Castle Biosciences, Inc.

ADLTs represent innovative tests that “provide new clinical diagnostic information that cannot be obtained from any other test or combination of tests.” Since ADLTs are the first tests to address unmet clinical needs, a core question is if the evidence shows that (a) clinicians change their treatment pathways and (b) that these changes improve outcomes and reduce overall healthcare costs. A case study will be presented.


Considerations for Bringing Novel Test Codes through the Price Setting Process


Deborah R. Godes, Vice President, McDermott+Consulting LLC

This discussion will cover how labs can best participate in the price setting process and what CMS looks for in the codes and information submitted. Laboratories and diagnostic manufacturers will learn how better to navigate the clinical lab fee schedule and how stakeholders work together. Additionally, the talk will reflect on the lessons learned and key insights gleaned from the agency.


Tara Burke, PhD, Vice President, Payment and Healthcare Delivery Policy, AdvaMed

Joan Kegerize, JD, Vice President, Reimbursement & Scientific Affairs, American Clinical Laboratory Association

Samantha Pettersen, MPH, Senior Policy Analyst, Policy and Advocacy, Association for Molecular Pathology

Close of Summit3:15 pm