2014 Podcasts


Preview of the Panel Discussion on IMPLEMENTATION OF MOLECULAR TESTING: Demonstrating Clinical Utility and Measuring Health Outcomes

Panel of speakers moderated by Julie Lynch, Ph.D., featuring Michael Kelly, M.D., Vickie L. Venne, Donna Polizio and John W. Hanna

The panelists describe what they will be covering during the panel discussion, which include third party payer requirements for clinical utility and funding sources. They will also review how the higher level of evidence will impact implementation, equity and access.

Companion Diagnostics – Regulatory Improvements, Market Trends and Emerging Technologies

Richard A. White, Ph.D., Director, Global Strategy, Breast and Colon Products, Genomic Health, Inc.

Amid Zand interviews Dr. Richard White of Genomic Health on June 11, 2014. Dr. White will be speaking at the Companion Diagnostics: Technology and Reimbursement track at the Next Generation Dx Summit, August 19-21, in Washington, D.C.

Single-Cell Sequencing and Complex Cancer Genome Analysis for Clinical Parameters and Personalized Therapy

James Hicks, Ph.D., Research Professor, Cancer Genomics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

An-Dinh Nguyen interviews James Hicks of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on June 24, 2014. Dr. Hicks will be a speaker at the Single-Cell Sequencing conference, part of the Next-Generation Dx Summit, August 19-21 in Washington, DC.

Incidental Findings, Unwanted Information, and the “Safety” of Genomic Testing

Kimberly Strong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Primary Faculty, Program in Genomics and Ethics, Institute for Health and Society - Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities & Human and Molecular Genetics Center, Medical College of Wisconsin

Dr. Kimberly Strong of the Medical College of Wisconsin speaks to CHI about patient attitudes towards receiving genomic information, access to information, and the future of genomic medicine. Dr. Strong will be speaking at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural Inherited Disease Diagnostics Conference, taking place August 19-20, 2014 in Washington, DC as part of the Next Generation Dx Summit.

Single-Cell Genomic Sequencing: Improvements, Challenges and Utility

Jan Vijg, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

An-Dinh Nguyen interviews Jan Vijg of Albert Einstein College of Medicine on June 12, 2014. Dr. Vijg will be a featured speaker at the Single-Cell Sequencing conference, part of the Next-Generation Dx Summit, August 19-21 in Washington, DC.

Integration of Genomics into Medical Practice: Educational Challenges

Bruce Korf, M.D., Ph.D., Wayne H. and Sara Crews Finley Chair, Medical Genetics; Professor and Chair, Genetics; Director, Heflin Center for Genomic Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dr. Bruce Korf of the University of Alabama at Birmingham speaks to CHI about some of the educational challenges in genomic medicine implementation, the educational needs of physicians, and how he sees genomics being used clinically. Dr. Korf will be speaking at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural Inherited Disease Diagnostics Conference, taking place August 19-20, 2014 in Washington, DC as part of the Next Generation Dx Summit.

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